Computer Discounts
The University of New Haven has arranged for specialized computer discounts with two premiere vendors, Apple and Dell. Both of these vendors offer educational discounts on their product lines as well as their customized systems. These discounts vary by model, and promotional period, so there is no set discount rate. Purchases made through the Educational Discount programs are strictly between the purchaser and the vendor. Apple and Dell offer extended warranty options that we strongly recommend reviewing and taking advantage of as well. While the University provides all students with technical support, we do not stock, purchase or provide parts.
The University of New Haven has teamed up with Apple to offer discounts on select Apple products. For more information about this program, please consult Apple's website by clicking on the icon above.
The University of New Haven has teamed up with DELL to offer discounts on select Dell products. For more information about this program, please consult Dell's website by clicking on the icon above.

Windows Laptops
Windows offers a vast array of software compatibility and customization options, making it a versatile operating system suitable for a wide range of users.

macOS Laptops
Mac OS boasts a seamless integration of hardware and software, providing a user-friendly and intuitive experience with exceptional design aesthetics.

What kind of computer should I purchase?
Select a major from the dropdown to see the minimum laptop recommendations for your selected major:
Depending on your major, you may be required to purchase Parallels on your MacBook to run Windows applications. Please ask your professor for more details.
¹. For engineering, Windows Laptops are required by all students. Please contact the Engineering department for more details.
².Windows PC is the preferred laptop to run AutoCAD and Revit. For a Mac, Parallels or Boot camp is required to run the Windows (preferred) version of Revit. Refer to AutoDesk website for updated system requirements for AutoCAD and Revit. Please note Bootcamp is not available for M1 Macs and Parallels must be purchased by the student to run the necessary programs. You can access the Parallel’s student discount here: